The Chinese embassy objected to The Kathmandu Post’s Article
The kathmandu Post published the article Mao's photo with mask
Kathmandu, Chinese Media group (CMG) objected to the rumor and misinterpretation news has been published by The Kathmandu post.
On February 18th, The Kathmandu post published new articles which, with a picture of Great communist leader Mao. Newspaper published the article to expand the rumor about COVID-19 (Corona Virus) formulating by Mao picture with safety mask.
Chinese government play the key role to reduce COVID-19 in recent days but capitalist media are provoke the issue for demoralization the Chinese government and whole political system, official said.
Embassy of the people’s republic of China in the federal democratic republic of Nepal release statement about that article and embassy said that, ‘On February 18th, The Kathmandu Post published an article which, with a picture of malicious intention, deliberately smeared the efforts of the Chinese government and people fighting against the new corona virus pneumonia and even viciously attacked the political system of China. We hereby express our strong dissatisfaction and firm protest to it. This fully revealed its ignorance and prejudice on China, deeply hurt the feelings of the Chinese people, and sparked strong indignation and condemnation among the Chinese people and the Nepali friends from all sectors.’
Chinese officials get that article to offence of Chinese governing system and fully revealed its ignorance and prejudice on China.
Chinese official’s expand the information about COVID-19 in very starting phase to till now. Chinese believed that, China has been acting in an open and transparent manner from the very beginning and has been providing timely updates on the epidemic and pursuing international cooperation, but some of interest group has move down the information and expand rumor about China throughout COVID-19.
Chinese Official’s said that, ‘Capitalist wants provoke against Chinese government and political system regarding COVID-19. They invest huge amount of money and power for mislead the information and extension rumor communism and Chinese political system through-out COVID-19. But, All of people know about that, we are working for reduce COVID-19 and our scientist are researching to got success to eradicate COVID-19.’
Chinese embassy in Nepal said that, ‘some western media took the opportunity to politicize the epidemic, criticize China’s efforts to fight against the epidemic and attack China’s political system. This is definitely a double-standard activity.’
Public opinion will prevail. Since the outbreak of epidemic, the Government of Nepal and Nepali people have expressed their support to China in various ways. We are deeply moved and will remember it forever. The Nepali media also reported the epidemic and the prevention and control measures taken by China in an objective and fair perspective. It has played an important role in helping the Nepali people to understand the true situation, strengthening the prevention of the epidemic, and promoting the international cooperation in joint prevention and control.
अरु समाचार
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