‘Chinese capital and technology should be connected with Nepal’s development’
Development of China will help other countries : Mr. Wang Xin, Deputy Chief of Mission, Embassy of PR China to Nepal
Kathmandu: The speakers of a program held in Kathmandu said that it is necessary to connect China’s capital and technology with Nepal’s development. Speaking at a program organized by Nepal-China Himalaya Friendship Society on the occasion of 70 years of diplomatic relations between Nepal and China on Monday said that.
Minister for Industry, Commerce and Supplies Damodar Bhandari has said that it is necessary to connect the capital and technology of friendly country China with the development endeavours of Nepal. Minister Bhandari said that investment is needed for the development and prosperity of Nepal and for that, support is expected from the Chinese government.
“It is necessary to implement the agreements reached during the recent visit of the Chinese President to Nepal.” Minister Bhandari said while observing that the dimensions and importance of Nepal-China relations have increased further in the changed context.
Stating that the current government is working with the main focus on industry, tourism, information technology and employment”, Minister Bhandari said the government is leaving no stone unturned to create an investment-friendly environment. “One neighbor should help another neighbor on the basis of mutual cooperation.”
Mr.Wang Xin, Deputy Chief of Mission, Embassy of PR China to Nepal, expressed his belief that the development of China will help other countries of the world, including Nepal, to move forward on the path of prosperity. He said that the enhancement of institutional capacity is the main task of China and said that the Chinese government is following this principle. Wang Xin said that the Chinese government is working to ensure the citizens’ right to live a quality life while promoting the socialist economy.
Patron of the society and former minister Anand Prasad Pokharel recalled that the relationship between the two countries has been without any concerns till date.
Former ambassadors of Nepal to China, Mahendra Bahadur Pandey, Tanka Karki, Bishnu Hari Nepal, said that since China has advanced a lot in economic development it is necessary to help Nepal’s economic development.
CPN-UML Foreign Affairs Committee member Dr. Gopal Khanal mentioned that China’s current modernization is a modernization based on peace. He claimed that only KP Oli was able to establish foreign relations based on the national interests of Nepal.
Rajendra Gautam, president of the Nepal-China Himalaya Friendship Society, who presided over the program, said that the program was focused on three main topics. First, he said that the discussion was more focused on the fact that the long-standing bilateral relationship between Nepal and China should be used as a standard for prosperity and development. He mentioned that the second point is the concrete conclusion of the program that emphasizes on the implementation of agreements and agreements between the two countries.
He said that everyone’s thoughts are focused on the fact that making agreements and not implementing them should be discouraged. In the same way, it was stated a conclusion that organizations like the Nepal-China Himalaya Friendship Society can also prepare a base to strengthen the bilateral relations between Nepal and China from the civilian level as well. At the beginning of the program, Kalika Pathak gave a welcome speech.
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